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2 percent of your revenue tax can be assigned via the Electronic Declaration System (EDS). The application can be completed by May 1st. All you need is:

1. Using your email banking or other possible ways to join the system - EDS (Electronic Declaration System);

2. In the section "DECLARATION" → "Fill in the form", the most frequently completed form from the list is "Request for donation"; In the filter field "Form code", after entering the snippet of the form or name of the declaration form and clicking on the filter, the list of declarations with description is given below. To start filling, click on one of the two available links:

• Start filling directly at the portal without using any additional software

• Download the declaration data together with the declaration template ".ffdata + .mxfd".


3. In the window that opens, you can fill in a new form, fill it in a previous form, or continue filling in a recently filled but unfinished form.


4. Fill out the form FR0512 v.3 directly on the EDS portal

  • In section 5 - enter 2018;

  • In the E1 section, select the type of recipient - enter number 2;

  • In section E2, enter the identification code of "Mes žydim": 304523677;

  • In section E3 you can write "For "Mes žydim" activities";

  • Enter 2.00 in section E4 (if you want to support multiple beneficiaries, you can split it up by 1.5%, 1% or 0.5%);

  • Enter 2021 in section E5 (you should not be required to fill in a new application every year - your support for the LITTLE WINDOW OF LIFE will be automatically transferred by 2021 unless you complete a new request with another recipient at any time).

5. After filling out the form, click Submit Declaration in the upper right corner and confirm.



If you want to change the decision already made on your 2% revenue tax, you can do so by May 1. The latest request will cancel the previous one.

Thank you for doing good works!

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